On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Russ Michaels <r...@michaels.me.uk> wrote:

> see if there are multiple cfid/cftoken cookies set.
> if so, that is likely the issues, and deleting all cookies should solve it.

in your cflocation tags you need to use addtoken="no" otherwise this can
> cause problems

Yeah, What Russ said. Had the exact same thing happen to me. You would
login fine and as soon as you clicked a link or submitted a form it would
boot you out.

One tip, on IE 10 or 11 (I forget). You will need to delete the cookies
manually and not using the delete button in the Browser History dialog. At
least I had to. Deleting cookies using the Browser history dialog did not
fix the problem in my case.

Tools >> Internet Options >>General >> Settings (under Browser history) >>
View files >> and delete them there. I just deleted everything in that


Gerald Guido

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