Hi all,
I am trying to use a snippet of code from the Maryland CFUG that uses the
CFOBJECT tag to interact with the Microsoft MSXML DOM.

Here is the code:

<CFOBJECT action="CREATE" type="COM" class="Microsoft.XMLDOM" name="Parser">

<CFSET xmlFile = "sens_xml.xml">  
<CFSET Parser.Async = false>
<CFSET Parser.Load(xmlFile)>
<CFIF NOT Parser.hasChildNodes()>
        <CFTHROW message="Empty XML Tree">

Get the team name
        league          = XMLDoc.selectSingleNode("league");
        nodeTeam        = league.selectSingleNode("team");
        team            = nodeTeam.Text; 

It barfs on the "XMLDoc.selectSingleNode("league");" line with the following

Error resolving parameter XMLDOC.SELECTSINGLENODE 
ColdFusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter. This problem
is very likely due to the fact that either: 
Is the object recognized at all? Is it loading the xml document? Is my
syntax correct?
The xml document is in the same directory as the cf file.

Any help appreciated,


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