Are the client variables in a database?  If so, I would run a query on the
CF tables to get a count of records.  It could be your attack was worse
than you think and have a boat load of records.  An attack like that would
likely result in a set of client variables for each request.

The query to purge the database will lock the tables. Any application using
client variables would basically have to wait until that is done and keep
chewing up memory. I know this was an issue in CF8, not sure if it's still
a linger issue in newer versions, as that is around the time we stopped
using client variables.

@Mark,  I want to say both CF 9 & 10 install with Cookie as the default
client storage. This could just be how we provision our servers however. I
remember the days of CF taking an hour to start if your client var registry
was out of control. We had the oops moment on our shared servers long ago.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer & Architect

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