Have you tried Ben Nadel's "CreateXlsFromQuery"?  It creates a true Excel file 
which should be able to be opened in 2013.  We are still on 2010 so I have not 
been able to test it but it's worth a try.  

The original code can be found at: 
Another using XML is located at:  


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Lyons [mailto:larrycly...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 3:12 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Excel Problem...

You might also try saving the output as CSV and opening it in excel that way. 
Its an annoying workaround but may work.

AS for CF8, ask about Railo then - its FOSS, and is faster than ACF. 

> > So what is the specific error? Is it in CF or Excel. If Excel are
> you getting this message?
> Excel actually opens. So, it's an Excel error. However, it just says 
> "There's an error" with no further information. I *wish* it was the 
> error below, because then I'd have something to go on.
> > ""The file you are trying to open, '[filename]', is in a different
> format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is 
> not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do 
> you want to open the file now?"  (Yes | No | Help)"
> At this moment in time, upgrading the site in question to a new server
> isn't an option. I'll review the other options suggested though.
> Thanks!
> > If so there's a new security "feature" in Excel  According to this
> MSDN blog:
> > http://blogs.msdn.
c> om/b/vsofficedeveloper/archive/2008/03/11/excel-2007-extension-warning.
> aspx
> > http://devblog.grinn.net/2008/06/file-you-are-trying-to-open-is-in.
> html
> > http://stackoverflow.
> >

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