I was shown an example of a firstdata implementation that was outsourced to
India and a few things grabbed my attention right away. The first was that
the hmac.cfc template that they sent was an exact copy of the code by Tim
McCarthy sans comments. The second was that the firstdata processing
template was named cw-auth-firstdata.cfm. That pattern matches the
templates used by Cartweaver for their processing code.
The last version of Cartweaver that I have in my archives is 2.0 so I was
hoping that someone with Cartweaver 4.0 could look at the auth templates
that it is using and see if the following code snippet is copied/modified
from it:
        <!--setting you need to chnage those value-->
        <cfset settings.GatewayID = "gatewayid">
        <cfset settings.KeyID = "keyid">
        <cfset settings.hmackey = "Hmack">
        <cfset settings.GatewayPass = "password">
        <cfset settings.authurl = '


        <cfset expDate = tdata.cardexpm& Right(tdata.cardexpy,
           <cfset contentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-">
           <cfset FDuri = "/transaction/v12">

<CFSET jsonReq = '{"gateway_id":"#settings.GatewayID#",
"transaction_type":"00", "cardholder_name":"#tdata.cardname#",
"cc_number":"#tdata.cardnumber#", "amount":#tdata.paymentamount#,
"password":"#settings.GatewayPass#", "cc_expiry":"#expDate#",

Nothing urgent or super important. I just want to see how far the
outsourced code had been copied from other places without attribution.


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