Hi Everyone,

I have a form that contains fields for both General Contact Info and Billing 
Contact Info.  After the user fills in their General Contact Info, they can 
click a checkbox called "Same Billing Info" which Prepopulates all of the 
billing fields w/ the associated General Contact Fields.

It works great except for the "state" field which is a drop down that's 
populated like this:

<CFSELECT NAME="General_State"
   MESSAGE="Please select your State."

My javascript is this:
function handleClick(){
   with (document.myForm){
        Billing_Name_First.value = General_Name_First.value
        Billing_Name_Last.value  = General_Name_Last.value
        Billing_Address.value = General_Address.value
        Billing_City.value = General_City.value
        Billing_State.value = General_State.value
        Billing_Zip.value = General_Zip.value

Again, all but Billing_State populate with the General Contact Info when the 
checkbox gets checked. Any suggestions on how to get the Billing_State field 
to work as well would be greatly appreciated.

- - - Jeanne S. Glazer
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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