Firstly I'd like to mention that doing this is playing with fire. ;)

Secondly, I'd suggest three replaces:
1. Replace application.cfm with an easily recognisable other string without
application in the name.
2. Replace "([^a-zA-Z0-9])application.([a-zA-z])" with "\1request.\2".
3. Replace the funny string with application.cfm again.

David Cummins

Jamie Jackson wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to globally replace (with CF Studio) application
> variables with request variables in several sites. I can't figure out
> exactly how, as I don't know how to negate strings (as opposed to just
> character classes).
> I want to change application.variableX to request.variableX, but I
> don't want to change "application. ", "application.<br>", or
> references to "application.cfm"
> Could you please help?
> Here is just one of may seriously flawed attempts at a match:
> (application\.)([^ ]|[^cC][^fF][^mM]|[^<])
> Thanks,
> Jamie
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