Thanks... that works great!


-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Display Query Horizontally

> I have been trying to determine a way to display query's record set
> horizontally oriented rather than vertically oriented and maintain proper
> column and row alignment... example:
> <space> Record1 Record2 Record3 Record4
> field1   R1-F1   R2-F1   R3-F1   R4-F1
> field2   R1-F2   R2-F2   R3-F2   R4-F2
> field3   R1-F3   R2-F3   R3-F3   R4-F3
> Is there a simple means of doing this?

<cfset FieldList="Field1,Field2,Field3">
<table border=0>
        <cfloop index="i" from=1 to="#myQuery.RecordCount#">
                <td>Record #i#</td>
<cfloop index="i" list="#FieldList#">
        <cfloop query="myQuery">

Philip Arnold
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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