The parens suggestion didn't fix the problem, but it *did* lead me to a 
solution so THANKS!!  FWIW, here is what I wound up using:

function fleet_size_check(form) {

        ctrl = form.fleet_size;
        ctrlMax = 10000

        if ((!myRe.test(ctrl.value)) || (ctrl > ctrlMax)) {
                alert("Please enter a valid fleet size (integer between 1 and 
                return (true);
        else return (false);

Thanks for the help!
- - - Jeanne

>From: David Baskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: (yet another) Javascript Question
>Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 11:22:38 -0800
>Jeanne, it looks like you don't have and "(" ")" around your second if 
>i think that will fix your problem.
>       else if (ctrl.value > 10000) {
>                 alert("Please enter a valid fleet size.");
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeanne Sarfaty Glazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 11:10 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: (yet another) Javascript Question
>Hi Folks,
>If there's a more appropriate place to ask this question, please let me 
>- this list is so incredibly high volume,I'd hate to be erroneously
>contributing to it when I should send my question elsewhere.
>With that said:
>I'm doing Javascript validation and having trouble getting the following to
>work (it is supposed to only allow user to enter an integer between 1 and
>function fleet_size_check(form) {
>       ctrl = form.fleet_size;
>       myRe=/^[0-9]{1,6}/;
>       if (!myRe.test(ctrl.value)) {
>               alert("Please enter a valid fleet size.");
>               document.profile_info.fleet_size.focus();
>               return (true);
>       }
>       else if ctrl.value > 10000 {
>                 alert("Please enter a valid fleet size.");
>               document.profile_info.fleet_size.focus();
>               return (true);
>       }
>         else return (false);
>The first "if" seems to work OK, but not the second.  Any suggestions would
>be most appreciated.
>- - - Jeanne
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