At 03:22 PM 3/23/2001, you wrote:
> > err, there's no need to do that. There is an executable you
> > can use to
> > process CFML templates via the command line. Have a look at:
> >
>Thanks. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but with several ColdFusion
>servers, presumably what they suggest would mean setting up an instance of
>the scheduled event software on each.

Well, that depends on what your scheduled task does. To be honest I can't 
think of a situation where a scheduled task would do something which 
affects multiple servers which could not be achieved by running tasks on 
one server. Then again, it is Friday afternoon and my brain is 
concentrating on coming up with the fastest route to the pub through 
Dublin's nasty traffic jams.

>The way it is at the moment, there's a load of open IE windows when I get
>into work but at least all the scheduled events are managed from one place.
>Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Netshopper UK Ltd
>Advanced Web Solutions & Services
>Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
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