Glad I'm not the only one who this annoys immensely!! It will work okay on
the newer browsers, but earlier browsers won't recognise depends
what platforms and browsers are being run on your target users' computers

If you want to get even more depressed check it out on Mac Netscape!


Katherine Maltby
Senior Producer

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: 02 April 2001 14:55
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Cross browser Intrinsic Controls

OK ... what a pain in the butt!

How does one deal with the different physical size rendered for textboxes by

Netscape and IE? The physical size for a textbox with a "size" attribute of 
20 in Netscape is huge compared to IE. What gives?

I'm working around this by using a "size" attribute that is Netscape 
physically sized and also including a "style" parameter  overriding the 
"size" in IE with precise sizing info. Appears to work for IE 5 and Netscape

4.6 ... but will it work in all browsers?

<input type="text" size="10" style="width:120px heigth:22px" name="foo">

Is there some other easier way of dealing with this?

Thanks for any info,
Allison McMearty
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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