both methods put the data in memory so from an efficiency point of view, 
both should be pretty much the same.

Query caching is a much simpler method of achieving the required result. If 
you store the query structure as an application variable, when does it get 
updated?? At least with Query caching you can specify a time span or an 
absolute time for the expiration of the cache. If you were to use an 
application variable you'd have to come up with some way of determining 
when the database should be re-queried and the new result set assigned to 
the application variable (maybe at the start of a new user session). Of 
course, this would give you more explicit control over the cache, but is it 
worth the hassle?


At 01:04 PM 4/3/2001, you wrote:
>I have an application that generates Faculty Class Lists here at the
>university.  When the faculty or administrator first comes in, it queries
>our Data Warehouse for a list of active instructors.  The list is about 1400
>names.  The SQL for this query never changes.  Related, our Data Warehouse
>is in Oracle on the IBM mainframe.  SO, as a result, queries on larger
>tables (well, about any query for that matter) is very slow.  My question
>is, would it be more effecient to do a QUERY CACHEDAFTER or put the results
>into an application variable?
>David R Hannum
>Ohio University
>Web Analyst/Programmer
>(740) 597-2524
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