Paul, thanks for the tip. That's a great idea!

I think now that what I would prefer to do is have the shipping 
address/contact info print at the top of *every* page that prints. I just 
haven't been able to figure out how to do that.

Thanks for the help!


----Original Message Follows----
From: Paul Sizemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Printing, page breaks, and heading info
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 14:42:02 -0500

I did an ASP project a while back that required page breaks on print. After
head banging by a lot of people, I came up with the following code.

When printed from "most" browsers, it prints in what looks like page breaks
because of the way browsers try to not break images. If you tie your text
content to an image (that is around 80% of the page height) with a table,
the browser will print what looks to the user as page breaks.

You might need to adjust the height of the spacer, but I think this is the
number that worked in Netscape and IE 3 up.

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
     <td width="10"><img src="spacer.gif" width="1" height="450"></td>
     <td>Page One Content</td>

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
     <td width="10"><img src="spacer.gif" width="1" height="450"></td>
     <td>Page Two Content</td>

Paul Sizemore

Finish Line
3308 N Mitthoeffer Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46235
W: 317-899-1022 ext 3516

-----Original Message-----
From: Terri Stocke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 2:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Printing, page breaks, and heading info

Okay, I moved it and tried it in the body, and then in a paragraph tag. Both
instances caused the blue screen when I tried to print (it still printed,
but killed my PC).

So, I guess I either need to find a way to print the top info I want on
every page, or if that is not possible with just CF and the browser, dump
the info to PDF per Adrian's suggestion and see if I can manipulate it that

Thanks for the help!

----Original Message Follows----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carol Bluestein)
Subject: Re:Printing, page breaks, and heading info
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 09:42:02 -0400

Believe you can't use the style=page-break etc. inside a table.
So you have to count rows and end your table, put in the
break, and start a new table for each page.

Carol L. Bluestein
Senior Programmer
NYS Office of Real Property

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    Printing, page breaks, and heading info
Date:       4/9/01 12:48 PM

Hey all,

I have a shipping and receiving application that allows employees to
generate a shipping request via the web. The shipping dept. would like that
form to be printed out by the user, but they want one of two things when
this happens:

1) Either only allow the maximum number of items that will print on one
page, and prompt the user to fill out a second form for additional items; OR

2) Automatically have the app insert a break between the item in the last
row of the table and the next table row on the next page, but ALSO make sure
that the shipping address and other info is ALSO printed on each subsequent

I favor the second method, since it is less hassle for the user, and it
would be easier to just insert a break in the table than to try to guess how
many characters a user might enter onto the page (virtually impossible to
determine how many pages they will need).

After searching the archives, I found the snippet I thought would work:
<TABLE STYLE="page-break-before:always">. I tried this in both the body tag
and in my table tag, but each time I used it I got the dreaded blue screen
o' death. I then found and tried a variation: <TABLE
STYLE="page-break-inside:avoid>. This fixed the blue screen problem, but it
locked up my PC (couldn't even CTRL/ALT/DEL).

I am using Netscape, since most of our employees use it, but I need
something that will work in both Netscape and IE. question is twofold.

1) Does anyone know of a way to make the table print nicely across pages
without crashing the PC, and

2) Does anyone know how I can force the address/shipping info from the first
page onto all subsequent pages (more important than the first issue, since
regardless of the page break, the table will always print to the next page,
it just won't look as nice without the break.)

As always, thanks for the help!

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