I have designed some forms which allow the user to upload jpegs and 
QuickTime movies to the server. It was working before, but now I 
am getting the following error:

Error Occurred While Processing Request

Error Diagnostic Information

Request canceled or ignored by serverServer busy or unable to fulfill 
request. The server is unable to fulfill your request due to extremely 
high traffic or an unexpected internal error. Please attempt your 
request again (if you are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify 
the site administrator). (Location Code: 26)

I am running a browser and the CFserver on the same machine for testing.
I'm the only person hitting the CFserver, and like I said, it was 
working before (with more CFML going on on the same page). What could 
I have changed to cause this error?

When it was working before, I was uploading 3 jpegs and a quicktime 
all on the same page and it worked fine; I just figured it would 
be more scalable if I made each one a separate page. Any suggestions?


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