Someone posted this a while back.  So useful that it is now a permanent CF Studio 

It doesn't lock, so it should only be used while debugging.

<CFLOOP LIST="application,session,request,form,url,attributes,cgi" INDEX="struct">
        <CFIF isDefined("#struct#")>
                <CFIF isStruct(evaluate(struct))>
                        <CFLOOP LIST="#structKeyList(evaluate(struct))#" INDEX="var">
                                <CFIF isSimpleValue(structFind(evaluate(struct),var))> 
                                <CFELSEIF isStruct(structFind(evaluate(struct),var))> 
                                <CFELSEIF isArray(structFind(evaluate(struct),var))>
                                <CFELSEIF isQuery(structFind(evaluate(struct),var))>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erika L Walker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:57 PM
> To:   CF-Talk
> Subject:      Oh that's just great.
> I just downloaded a tag from the Tag Gallery called CF_Debug....that I
> wanted to throw up on one of my hosted sites so that I could get some quick
> debugging info.......
> Of course I unzipped it and it doesn't contain the Debugging tag, it's got
> some silly find and replace JS function.
> HELP! Does anybody out there have a debugging tag? Or let me know what the
> quick method is of outputting all the wonderful things we see at the bottom
> of the pages when we have debugging turned on?
> *** mumbles to herself, while she goes and loads up on caffeine laced with
> arsenic that may put her out of her misery. ****
> Erika
> "You can talk a great philosophy, but if you can't be kind to people
> everyday then it doesn't mean that much to me." - unknown
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