Have to drop my viewpoint in on this as well just in Case MM is reading
this. I have both UD and Studio available to me and I use Studio Edit Mode
exclusively. So PLEASE PLEASE don't screw up Studio by trying to make it a
Wizzy wig.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 8:35 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!

I hope that is correct and my reason for worry is no more.  I also know that
MM reads this list and wanted them to know how important it is to us as

Nathan Stanford
Senior Programmer/Analyst

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Collins [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 9:05 PM
> To:   CF-Talk
> Subject:      RE: CF Studio and UltraDev Merging!
> Interestingly, I can give a definitive answer on the subject...
> Adam Berrey, Macromedia VP of Application Server Business (ex-Allaire, and
> apparently Allaire employee #10 in 1996) has been visiting Australia this
> week and I took the opportunity to discuss with him a number of issues
> relating to the future of CF and Spectra (which I can discuss offline if
> anyone's interested).
> One announcement he did make was that very soon, UltraDev and CF Studio
> would be packaged in the one box (NOT the one app) and sold as a bundle at
> around the price of UD alone (kind of like the UD/Fireworks bundle).  This
> announcement would appear to refer to just such a bundling.  The products
> would remain available standalone for those not interested in the bundle.
> Adam was VERY vehement about the fact that Macromedia UNDERSTANDS THE
> SEPARATION between designer (not me, nor most of us on the list I imagine)
> and coder (me, and you) and would continue to allow that separation to
> exist, even if UD and Studio eventually became the one product - which has
> not yet been decided.
> Rest easy.
> As for my $0.02, I use UD4 several times a week for layout work, as it
> quite
> happily sucks up my CF code and doesn't break it.  It's a great tool.
> That
> said, Studio remains my tool of choice for cutting CF code.
> Steve Collins
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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