Why are you selecting all of the records to get a recordcount? Selecting
that many records is going to kill CF. That part should be gotten rid of.
This is what is causing your server to crash.
CFLock will not stop other people from writing to the database on other
parts of the site. It would only keep multiple users from executing the code
on that one page. If you really really need the recordcount, use a stored
procedure to return it back to CF.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Art Broussard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 11:12 AM
Subject: cflock?? dead brain, Help!

> Ever had one of those weekends that are so great that it makes you forget
everything come monday morning. I did and now I cant read/understand
anything about locking.
> So this is the deal.
> I need to delete all the records from 3 tables. They can have anywhere
from 24,000 to 100,000 records in them depending on how long its been since
they have been cleaned out.
> This is what Im doing. i do a select all to get a total record count (not
my idea).
> Next I do a delete all from table.
> I do this for each of the 3 tables so this can be a real hog and has a
problem with killing the server.
> With all this said, I think I want to use a cflock around each of the
table cleaning queries to keep the users from writing to the tables. What
would be the best way to do this?
> Art
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