CF_FileWriteText could most likely do the trick or use the Replace Function
using &LT; for <  and &GT; for >


-----Original Message-----
From: Kuehn, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 2:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Outputting Raw CFML

I want to build an app that will traverse our directories and extract the
text within ColdFusion comments. I will use this to build a kind of dynamic
help generator.

I'm trying to use cffile to read in the file so that I can use Find() to
look for the commented code. But, if I read in the file and then output it
on a page, ColdFusion tries to process the text and display it as what it
is, mainly HTML and CFML.

Is there some tag I can use to just output the file I read in as plain text,
so that none of the CFML gets processed or the HTML gets displayed? All I
want is the text contained in the file. (Normally, I won't output the entire
file, but just the results of the Find(). This is a temporary debug thing
until I can get the bugs worked out.)

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