How about

<cfset thelist = "">
<cfloop from="1" to="3" index="id">
        <cfset thelist = ListAppend(thelist, Evaluate("form.fieldnum#id#"))>


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Ewings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 4:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamic variable names

Can you have dynamic variable names in CF?....e.g in an action page could
you have something like - 

<cfset thelist = "">
<cfloop from="1" to="3" index="id">
        <cfset thevalue = Evaluate(form.fieldnum & "#id#")>
        <cfset thelist = ListAppend(thelist, thevalue)>

where there are form fileds fieldnum1, fieldnum2, and fieldnum3.

I have tried this but it doesn't work.....I thought you might be able to use
the Evaluate function in this way as this works (from the Forta book):

<cfset x = "Array">
<cfset EVALUATE("p = " & x & "New(1)")>

This creates a new array stored in the variable p

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