Can anybody help me to solve the problem:

Sometimes ColdFusion stoppes responding to requests. Performance monitor
shows "running requests" to 6 (maximum allowed) and doesn't lowered. During
this time, Avg DB Time changes in time, but not large. Processor time in
normal bounds.

Server: Windows NT 4.0 SP6,
        Cold Fusion 4.51 SP2 Enterprise (Native ORACLE Drivers),
        Oracle client 8.0.5.

Only restarting of Cold Fusion Application Server service can help to return
to the normal functionality.

Error code to browsers is:

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
Request canceled or ignored by serverServer busy or unable to fulfill
request. The server is unable to fulfill your request due to extremely high
traffic or an unexpected internal error. Please attempt your request again
(if you are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify the site
administrator). (Location Code: 26)

Best regards, Alex.

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