you *must* have the sybase open client installed on the machine you're
connecting with if you want to use the native drivers. and you need version
11.1.0 with update 11.1.1 applied.

ODBC does *not* require the sybase open client though. we connect to a
remote sybase DS using ODBC. works great.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Alvarado [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 8:09 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ? about CF and Sybase

I am trying to get CF to use the Sybase native drivers and whenever CF
tries to verify the connection to the Sybase server it fails.

here is what i have in the CF administrator in case maybe im overlooking
something or im doing something wrong.

Data Source Name: abc123
Description: description
Server: (is that how it should be to specify a port
number? or should i use a comma?)
Default Database: DefaultDB

the rest is pretty self just curious to know if i have
entered in the Server correctly?

thanks for any help

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