> If you look 
> throughout history you
> will see that more atrocities have been perpetrated in the 
> name of God than
> for any other reason.

Who coined this statement?  It's been used, almost verbatim, so many times
that it has to have some source.

I'm really baffled by it.  Did someone count up the body counts of Vietnam,
Stalingrad, Pearl Harbor, the US Civil War, the French Revolution, Alexander
the Great's casualties, etc etc etc etc and find a common religious theme?
What about atrocities that predated monotheism?  polytheism?  tribal

It seems to be a self defeating argument.  If religion is an opiate, then
atheism is the truth.  But then how the heck do you introduce morals into
the picture?  I mean, how do you define 'atrocity'?  Atheism after all boils
down to 'shit happens.'
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