I have never been happy with the documentation nor the
general handling of by reference/by value. 

I think it is honestly more confusing to have certain
data structures behave one way, yet others behave 
another. It may hide the complexity short-term but
in the long run it requires cruft like the "StructCopy/
Duplicate" stuff. 

Point and case, Looking at the function names what
is the difference in StructCopy and Duplicate. ???

You can't really tell. StructCopy creates a structure
but "Top-level simple values and arrays are assigned by value".

The documentation is ambiguous and probably confusing to most
people. Its just funny business. 

In PHP I can control by reference/value with a simple ampersand
and there is no language cruft really that has to work
around the behavior of by reference/by value. Granted no
language is perfect since some things are not very straight forward
with PHP at first. 

One way or another, I just wish it was more concise and easy
to handle in CF. All in all it is not TERRIBLE, but it certainly
stands a huge amount of room for improvement. Perhaps even
some diagrams and more careful wording in the documentation so
that there is less ambiguity. 

Jeremy Allen
elliptIQ Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Request Scope Questions

I don't know if you mean me, but if so, I did not say structcopy is
faster. I said it _may_ be faster, but if so, most likely not in any
significant manner.

(If I'm wrong, sorry. As always, listen to what I _meant_ to say, not
what I said. ;)

Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for Macromedia

Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Olive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:33 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Request Scope Questions
> as ray points out, in "principle", structcopy should be 
> faster.  by what
> margin, i don't know.  but the principle remains.
> christopher olive, cto, vp of web development
> cresco technologies, inc
> 410.825.0383
> http://www.crescotech.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Lancelot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:32 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: FW: Request Scope Questions
> If this is the case, is there any disadvantage of doing 
> duplicate rather
> than structcopy? - It would seem that duplicate would
> always work...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Olive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 12 November 2001 15:21
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Request Scope Questions
> if i understand correctly, a week or so ago you (dave) mentioned that
> duplicate was only necessary for a session structure if it contained
> other complex variables.  you said that StructCopy was 
> sufficient if it
> was merely a structure with simple variables.  is this correct?
> christopher olive, cto, vp of web development
> cresco technologies, inc
> 410.825.0383
> http://www.crescotech.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 5:00 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Request Scope Questions
> > A couple of notes here: if you do this, use something like
> >
> > <cfset request.var=Duplicate(session.var)>
> >
> > to transfer the variable. If you don't use Duplicate() - correct
> > me if I'm wrong someone! - then request.var just becomes a 'pointer'
> > to session.var, and session.var is still actually read when you
> > refer later to request.var (rendering the whole business kind of
> > redundant!). Duplicate() - which is only available in CF4.5+ -
> > makes request.var a 'deep' copy of session.var, and then request.var
> > technically has nothing to do with session.var except having the
> > same value.
> It's only necessary to use Duplicate in this case if Session.var is a
> structure or a query. If it's just a simple value, you don't need to
> worry -
> simple values are always passed by value, not by reference.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444

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