I am setting up a form page that requires a drop down selection box. The dropdown box 
is generated dynamically in a <cfoutput query> section. But the dropdown box is itself 
to be inserted within another <cfoutput query> section of the page.

I've tried using <cfset> above the first <cfoutput> section to make a variable that I 
can embed with the second <cfoutput> section. The problem with that is I can't do a 
<cfoutput> within the <cfset> tag to set up the variable (at least I don't think I 

What I want to do is something like this:

<cfquery name="outsideQuery" datasource="dsn">
select *
from tblA

<cfquery name="embeddedQuery" datasource="dsn">
select *
from tblB

<form action="actionPage.cfm" method="post">
<cfoutput query="outsideQuery">

Member Name: 
<input type="text" name="nameFld" value="#nameFld#">

Member Level:

<!------ Need the dropdown box here ----->
<select name="this">

<cfoutput query="embeddedQuery">
<option value="#fldID#">#fldName#




Any ideas how to cram the dropdown box in there?

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