At 10:24 AM 12/14/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a question about using #cfusion_dbconnections_flush()#.
>The problem we are having is with an excel odbc data source.  If we modify
>the spreadsheet, the changes are not reflected after the page is reloaded.
>In the ODBC settings, we have unchecked "maintain database connections".  We
>are not caching the query either.
>We are still running CF4 (not for long, though).  Now for the question....
>Will using #cfusion_dbconnections_flush()# clear all cached queries
>including those that have specified a cached within in our <cfquery> tag?

  I'm pretty sure that cfusion_dbconnections_flush is a tag completely 
separate from cached queries.  The two have no relation.  It merely 
releases the data connection.

>If so, is there a way to release the excel odbc connection without affecting
>other data sources?

  Yes.  You can check the FAQ:

<CFSET rc=cfusion_disable_dbconnections("cfmysource","1")>

to disable a specific datasource, and

<CFSET rc=cfusion_disable_dbconnections("cfmysource","0")>

to re-enable it.

  I believe this would accomplish the task.  I've used it for excel sheets 
before without problems.

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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