link to cf5 hotfixes:

Billy Cravens

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Han" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: NTConsoleJava Tieing Up Resources

> I had the same problem a couple of days ago.  It is a known problem by MM
> and there's a patch on  I don't remember the exact url,
> but if you go there and do a  search you'll find it.
> Nick Han
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/12/01 03:34AM >>>
> I'm running Windows XP Pro with IIS and CF 5.
> When I log into my computer (or turn it on, whatever), during the startup
> process (after logging on, so the desktop is showing and startup
> items/services are starting up) NTConsoleJava.exe uses up all spare CPUs
> (which makes the computer run very slowly).  The only way to speed it up
> is
> to kill the process.
> I originally thought this had something to do with my current version of
> my
> JVM on Windows.  However, I just discovered that NTConsoleJava.exe is in
> the
> cfusion directory, so I assume it's related to ColdFusion.
> Is there anything I can do to either 1) Stop NTConsoleJava from using up
> all
> my spare CPUs or 2) Stop NTConsoleJava from running at startup?  I looked
> in
> the CF Admin, and the closest I could find is to not load the JVM when CF
> starts up, but that was already turned off.
> Thanks!
> Scott
> ----------------------------------------------
> Scott Brady
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