
I am just trying to do this myself and getting a problem with the next st

At the next step the ePDQ server calls my server  and submits some info
saying that the transaction has worked or failed.

The data is (apparently) sent in binary so cant be read with Form variabl
The example in their docs is as follows:



   ' Constant/Vars for log file processing
   const ForAppending = 8
   Dim strData
   Dim fs, strPath, TestFile

   ' Create a text file for the response
   strPath = Server.MapPath("CGIResult.txt")
   Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set TestFile = fs.OpenTextFile(strPath,ForAppending,true)
   TestFile.Write "ePDQ CPI Result data - received on: " & Date() & " " &
Time() & vbCRLF
   Response.Write "Test file is " & strPath

   ' Try and extract the binary representation of the data
   ' The normal Request.Form will not work here
   Dim strFullPostData
   Dim biRawData
   Dim nIndex
   Dim astrPostDataElements
   Dim strPostData

   ' Put down the details we will be extracting
   TestFile.Write "The size of the CPI post is: " & vbCRLF
   TestFile.Write Request.TotalBytes & vbCRLF

   ' Extract binary data
   biRawData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)

   ' Now change binary data into something more readable
   For nIndex = 1 to LenB(biRawData)
      strFullPostData = strFullPostData &

   ' We now have a raw string containing CPI data - first extract individ
   astrPostDataElements = Split(strFullPostData, "&")

   ' Finally, output the info
   TestFile.Write "Data extracted from CPI post is: " & vbCRLF
   Dim astrPostElements
   For Each strPostData in astrPostDataElements

      ' Output the raw data first
      TestFile.Write strPostData & vbCRLF

      ' Split up and prepare the field name and data
      astrPostElements = Split(strPostData, "=")

      ' Output the details
      TestFile.Write "Which translates to Field Name: " &
astrPostElements(0) & vbCRLF
      TestFile.Write "and Field Data: " & astrPostElements(1) & vbCRLF

   ' And we are done - close the file



The Key part is that biRawData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
used to get the data.

We assumed that that

<cfset x=GetHttpRequestData()>

would work the same way but this allways seems to be empty when accessed 
Barclays machine.

We tried Barclays simulated Form and buit our own form which uploads a jp
file both have data which gets successfully read but not the live server.

I am told that the live server may be sending the wrong content type. Doe
anyone have any ideas about how to resolve this ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Dray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:Peter Dray
Sent: 04 January 2002 13:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFHTTP? was RE: Cybercash / Barclays in the UK

Thanks for the mails.

I talked to Barclays EPDQ and they said that yes, you can use Coldfusion 
they won't support it as nobody there knows anything about it. In fact
nobody there knows anything apart from Perl or ASP so that's handy!

Anyhow, they gave me the following code and said 'if you can translate th
to CF then you can use that'.

Const Request_POST = 1
Const Request_GET = 2
Set objTear = CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPtear")
On Error Resume Next
Response.ContentType = "text/html"
Dim strEPDQ

strEPDQ = objTear.Retrieve( _
 "http://secure2.epdq.co.uk/cgi-bin/CcxBarclaysEpdqEncTool.e";, Request_PO
_ "clientid=3&password=pd&chargetype=Auth&currencycode=826&tota=
1.23", "",

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
   Response.Write "<b>"
   If Err.Number >= 400 Then
      Response.Write "Server returned error: " & Err.Number
      Response.Write "Component/WinInet error: " & Err.Description
   End If
   Response.Write "</b>"
End If

<FORM action="https://secure2.epdq.co.uk/cgi-bin/CcxBarclaysEpdq.e";
<%= strEPDQ %>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="returnurl" value="http://www.store.co.uk
<INPUT type="hidden" name="merchantdisplayname" value="My Store">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="purchase">

Now, I'm not an ASP person whatsoever but to my layman eye this looks lik
e a
job for a simple CFHTTP tag.

Am I right?


-----Original Message-----
From: Kola Oyedeji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:Kola Oyedeji
Sent: 04 January 2002 12:51
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Cybercash / Barclays in the UK


When they say they no longer accept connections from cf sites did they sa
why is it for technical reasons?

Judging from some text on their site:

"using the HTTP "POST" protocol from a known fixed URL to the server usin
128 bit SSL. The storefront must also be capable of handling data returne
from ePDQ via the HTTP "POST" protocol."

You just need to securely post the details to one of their servers. Do th
actually check to determine if it was posted from a cf site? Perhaps they
have had problems receiving posts from cf sites using cfhttp?


Kola Oyedeji |Web Developer |ekeda
elthorne gate |64 high street |pinner |middx |ha55qa
t +44(208)429 7333 f +44(208)429 7339 |www.ekeda.co.uk

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Dray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:Peter Dray
> Sent: 04 January 2002 09:50
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Cybercash / Barclays in the UK
> Hi all,
> I have heard from some sources that the demise of cybercash
> has no effect on
> e-commerce sites that are/were running the cfx tags to connect to that
> system. Whereas Barclays EPDQ told me that they no longer
> accept connections
> from CF sites at all.
> Can anyone shed any light on this for me ?
> Many thanks
> Pete Dray

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