When you start iterating through your inner query, it "loses its place" in
the first query - meaning, referencing a column from the outtermost query
and expecting it to know what row it is on.  Like referencing query.column
outside of a query loop, it defaults to the first row's value.  You should
save the column value in a local variable before entering the inner query

<cfset thisDecisionID = getReviewers.decisionID>
<CFLOOP query="getDCodes">
          <option value="#decID#"
            <CFIF getDCodes.decisionID EQ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tammy Hong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 12:52 PM
Subject: problem with dynamic data in my select boxes

> Hi everyone,
> Can someone please point to me what the problem here is? I basically have
> two queries. One pulls out the record set for a particular ID number  and
> grouped in a cfoutput based on another ID number. The problem is that when
> have more than one dynamically populated select box with the HTML below,
> ID that is selected is not the right one. It will select the first
> decID of the first reviewer that is outputted. I am sure this is the right
> way to reference the variables. Can someone point me to the incorrect
> Please! I'm about to pull my hair out.
> See below:
> <CFOUTPUT query="getReviewers" group="reviewerID">
> <select name="decID">
>   <option value="0">[Select a decision]</option>
>      <CFLOOP query="getDCodes">
>          <option value="#decID#" <CFIF getDCodes.decisionID EQ
> getReviewers.decisionID>selected</cfif>
> >#trim(decisionDescription)#</option>
>      </CFLOOP>
> </select>
> Tammy
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