class properties should not break the selects, but lower-end Netscape
browsers do sometimes have a tendency to pick and choose what it wants to
display from css! Are you including it in the select tag or from a style
sheet? How is it breaking them?


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew R. Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 April 2002 16:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: CSS and Netscape - was(CSS and dynamically changing

Thanks Dave!
I decided to use the visibility property after I got this going.

On another note - I decided to view my page in Netscape 4.08.  I was in
for a HUGE shock.  My page, which uses CSS mostly at the most basic
level, totally breaks my page.  Selects don't work at all when I have
the class property in the tag.  Does this mean that the Netscape 4
series browsers are totally off limits for CSS?  

- Matt Small

-----Original Message-----
From: Bosky, Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 11:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CSS and dynamically changing classes

I usually use onfocus/onblur:

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" VALUE="" SIZE=30 
onfocus="style.backgroundColor='gray'; style.color='white'" 
onblur="style.backgroundColor='white'; style.color='black'">

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew R. Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 10:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: CSS and dynamically changing classes

Hi everybody,
        I have a form where a text input box become available for use
only if a certain slection is made.  What I want to do is have the color
of the text box be grey if it is not available and normal color (which
is purple in my case) if it is available.  
        I can handle the css which makes it grey, and the javascript
which makes it non-focusable until the correct selection is made, but I
need it to change color.

I tried (as an educated guess)
If (select.selectedIndex == 8) {
        form.nameoftextbox.class = "sameclassasrest";}


If (select.selectedIndex == 8) { = "sameclassasrest";}

but neither worked for me.

Can I do this and how?

Thank you,
Matt Small

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