Same problem here, so it's not just you. My money is it's an SSL issue,
since you've established that the server is up. There's a kb article on
CF5's inabilty to do 128 bit ssl on the Macr site somewhere...

CFHTTP sucks all around though in 5, and they didn't fix it all the way in
MX so I'm very bitter about that damn tag. So forgive me if I ramble on
about it's suckiness. I've spent the last two weekends working on a java
replacement for cfhttp, since I wan't to move away from using COM when we go
to MX. Lucky for me I discovered that Sun included JSSE in version 1.4 of
the JRE. I've got it working for http and https gets so far. Next weekend I
get it to do posts. Thank you Macromedia!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Schreiber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 4:04 PM
Subject: CFHTTP Connection Failure (fwd)

> I've checked the forums and search on google, but I've yet to find an
> answer.
> I'm trying to make a CFHTTP call to ebay. And all I get are
> "connection failure". The CFHTTP.Header is EMPTY. As in, NOTHING. No
> status code, no nothing.
> I can hit the url and get a response using a browser on the server in
> question, but from cfhttp I get nothing.
> goes by...
> The url I'm trying to post to is:
> Like I said, I get "connection failure". CFHTTP.Header is empty.
> If I change the url to api.html or something else, I actually get a
> connection/response (403 Forbidden), but I get a response! When I change
> it back to .dll, back to nothingness...
> If I got the url directly in the browser, it works fine.

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