Allow me to interject a word of reason here, from the perspective of someone
who runs a well-used web resource that I almost shut down because of the
time/money involved.  A very limited number of people offered some financial
donations, which covered about half of what it cost to host the
site...enough to convince me to keep it running.  But a FAR greater number
of people tried to tell me where to host the site (it was already some
pretty inexpensive hosting, with good features and support), what
technologies to use (Why use CF when PHP is free...idiotic stuff like that),
how to build it, what database to use, etc.  In the end, I was almost sorry
that the "save the site" effort even got started.

Here's what we need to give Michael.  Financial and moral support. PayPal
him a couple of bucks. If he has a question about what sort of database to
use, he'll ask it, but I don't think he did ask that question (considering
he said he had a license for SQL7 that he could use), so we should all just
let him get on with it.  Anything more is just noise.

Sorry, I just had to pipe in with my 1/50th of a buck.


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