
I've been wrestling with this issue myself lately.  There is no direct and
easy way that I've found.  It depends largely on what the context is.  For
example, if you have a five-page registration procedure and don't want the
user to go back using the browser buttons from 4 to 3, you can enforce the
flow by only allowing 3 to accept a referring page of 2.  In all other
cases, you CFLOCATION back to the referring page.  But this could be very

If you don't know what the previous page is, you could do the old annoying
standby of putting a meta refresh page before the page in question, so that
any single click on the back button bounces them forward again.

The most friendly, but not completely enforceable method I've found is to
use the onBeforeUnload() JavaScript event that IE recognizes.  (I am lucky
enough to have a user base limited to one browser.)  Toward the top of the
page, you use this JS to set a variable:

var properExit = "false";

You also add this function:

function confirmExit() {
        if (properExit != "true") {
                return "Use of your browser's back buttons may cause
problems with the site.  Please click Cancel and use the appropriate buttons
within the form.";

In the page's body tag, you add the onBeforeUnload attribute as below:

<BODY ... onBeforeUnload='return confirmExit();'>

If you have any buttons or hyperlinks on the page that are "allowable"
exits, then add the onClick attribute as below:

<INPUT type='image' name='submit' ... onClick='properExit="true";'>


<A HREF='' ... onClick='properExit="true";'>

This way, on exit that uses a browser button (Back, Forward, and
Refresh/Reload all trigger this), the user is prompted with the message in
the confirmExit function.  There is no way that I've found to force
cancellation of the page move, but this at least lets you ask the user
nicely, at which point they can choose to cancel the move.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Smeets [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 1:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Preventing user from going back

Hey all,

Does anyone have an easy way to prevent the user from going back to the
previous page?

Mark Smeets / stranger0 / ICQ: 1062196

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