Add <cfcontent type="text/xml"> at the top of the document for IE to
show you the default tree view.


Wednesday, August 21, 2002, 6:09:50 PM, you wrote:

MVA> Hi,

MVA> I have a simple xml and xsl file which produces a formatted document.  If I 
MVA> were to use IE 6.0, IE's xml parser would do the transformation and display 
MVA> the formatted document page.

MVA> Unfortunately not all the users have IE6.0, there for I am trying to do the 
MVA> serversite transformation using ColdFusionMX.  I produced a cfm file to do 
MVA> the XmlTransform(xmlfile, xslfile).  When I view the transformed xml code 
MVA> using IE, it is displaying everything with the tags.  But what I want to 
MVA> see is just the formatted document.

MVA> I hope someone can help me figure out the mistake.

MVA> Thank you
MVA> Mathy

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