ok, with Jason's help, we've got most of it nailed down, however, I'm still 
encountering trouble in assigning the script variable values to something 
cold fusion can then further manipulate.

This must be something simple, but....

I've tried initializing authstatus with cfset outside the script block. 
That value holds. If I initialize it with a real value before the for 
block, the value holds, so for some reason, it would appear I'm not really 
getting at the attribute authstatus of the element pp.authresponse.

I'm beginning to think that with all of these processing options, the 
period in the element name is getting in the way.

Can I take the original object built with:

<cfset response = #CFHTTP.FileContent#>

and do some sort of character replacement to make the period some other 
alphanumeric character?

current test url: travel.webgeek.com/testauth.cfm

returns nothing in authstatus, and the cfif block fails to the else of 

current relevant code:

                objDOM = CreateObject("COM", "Microsoft.XMLDom");
                objDOM.async = false;

        root_node = objDOM.documentElement;
                   items = objDOM.getElementsByTagName("pp.authresponse");
                                n_items = items.length;
                authstatus = "";
                                for (i = 0;  i lt n_items ;  i = i + 1)
                                        node = items.item(i);
                                        map_node = node.attributes;
                                        //the following would retrive the ordernumber 
                                        authstatus = 
                                        authstatus = authstatus.text;



<cfif #authstatus# IS 'DCL'>
Ann Navarro, WebGeek, Inc.

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