Here's the XML validation function for ColdFusion MX that I promised
yesterday. It requires JDOM ( which MX uses internally,
so it should run on all MX installations.

Hope this helps - let me know if you have any problems.


<!--- XML validation function --->
<cffunction name = "XMLValidate" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="XMLSource" required="true">
    class = "org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder"
    name = "SAXBuilder"
    type = "java">
<cfset setVal = SAXBuilder.setValidation(true)>
<cfset XMLValidateError = "">
<cfset XMLValid = 1>
    <cfset trybuild =>
        <cfset XMLValidateError = cfcatch.message>
        <cfset XMLValid = 0>
<cfreturn XMLValid>

<!--- example usage --->
<cfset checkDoc = XMLValidate('')>
<cfif CheckDoc>
The XML document is valid
There is an error in the XML document: <br />

> I'll at least throw a response out...  nope, not doing validation here.
> And I can't find any docs or ANY information on how to do so straight from
> MX.  I'm not saying it can't be done, just that I haven't been able to find
> out how.
> I would say this, though...  since with MX you are in a Java enviroment you
> could conceivable use java to accomplish this task.
> My $.02.
> Jason 
> -----Original Message-----
> Is there any way to actually validate an XML doc against a DTD from within
> MX?
> The idea being to provide a friendly error message if it fails.
> What are some ways people are validating XML? Even when I try to define the
> DTD within the XML file itself (<!DOCTYPE rootelement SYSTEM
> "somedocdef.dtd">), no matter what path I try to define, MX's parser
> complains that it "can not resolve the relative URI without a base URI".
> I'm surprised there isn't a <XMLValidate> tag.
> Thanks,
> -Carl

tom dyson
t: +44 (0)1608 811870
m: +44 (0)7958 752657

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