Title: Retrieving Root attribute

I am relatively new to XML and the XML Toolkit. I am currently able to retrieve elements from an XML structure I am working with but I am not sure how to retrieve an attribute of the ROOT node.

For example this is a snippet of the XML file I am working with:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
  <!DOCTYPE ROOT (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <ROOT DATE_CREATED="2003-02-19 19:05:23" CREATED_BY="Microsoft Log Parser V2.0">
- <ROW>
  <Field1>Field 1</Field1>
  <Field2>Field 2</Field2>
  <Field3>Field 3</Field3>

I would like to be able to retrieve the DATE_CREATED attribute for the XML document.
As you can see the XML doc is created by Microsoft's Log Parser and I am using the XML toolkit with Cold Fusion 5.

Thanks in advance for you help,

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