I tweeked the code some and this is the actual error number I am getting: -1072896680. Also, I re-installed msxml 4 sp1. I still get the same error.

I have also tried replacing "MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument" with "MSXML2.DOMDocument", "MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0" and "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0". Nothing appears to make a difference. Has anyone run into this problem before or know how I can correct it? Thanks.

From: "Todd Baum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cf-xml] new user problems...
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 22:03:18 +0000

I just downloaded and installed the latest version and it looks real good. I believe I got everything installed OK (had to edit the CF studio tag files inorder to get the autocomplete to work properly though). I tried using the examples to play with the system and I keep getting the following error:

"XMLParseError : XML document must have a top level element. , Line:0, Text: "

The code looks like:

<cf_XMLDatasource name="XMLObject">
                <person age="27" company="Torchbox">Tom Dyson</person>
                <person age="27" company="WildFusion">David Madison</person>

All of the examples and other messages in the forum show this working just fine and I could not locate a reference to this error in the help or in the forums. Any suggestions? I am running this on a Win2000 Pro system with IE 6.0 installed. I don't need a DTD or schema, right? Again the examples do not show one. I created a DTD and completed the tags to reference it but that did not help.

I also downloaded and installed the latest (4.0 sp1) version of MSXML and that did not help.

Any help? Thanks!

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