Title: Message
That's odd...  I didn't have any non-standard stuff in the XML that I got returned.  Could you give an example of a small XML blurb returned from SQL server with the included errors?  What version of SQL are you running?  Patches?  Service Packs?
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Maxwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: [cf-xml] CFMX & SQL Server & XML, i'm stuck

So I had the same problem about 6 months ago,
for xml explicit did not return clean xml code
had a job number and  line breaks and record count at the end
so I made a bat  file called from  cfexecute  to run isqlw command window to do the work
then cleaned up the mess  with some find and replace

<cfset dir_file="path to /g_parts_1010.xml">
<!--- <CFIF  #FileExists(dir_file)#>
<cffile action="" file="#dir_file#">
<cfexecute name="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\binn\isqlw.exe" arguments="-S server -d database -E -i path to sql/g_parts_1010_xml.sql -o path to output  /g_parts_1010.xml" timeout=30>
use timeout to make sure you give the sql enough time to create the file.a flaw in cfexecute will run till timeout even if job is done sooner.
this is the contents of g_parts_1010_xml.sql
        From Parts_1010 Parts
        Order by Make,Model,sYear,Part
        For XML raw
end content
then clean it up
<cffile action="" file="#dir_file#" Variable="XMLfile">
<cfset x_end=#findNoCase("(",XMLFile,len(XMLFile)-100)#>
<cfset x_start=#findNoCase("<",XMLFile)#>
<cfset xmlTrim=left(XMLFILE,x_end-2)>
<cfset xmlTrim=Right(XMLtrim,Len(XMLTrim)-(x_start-1))>
<cfset XMLtrim = #replace(XMLTrim,"#chr(10)#","","ALL")#>
<cfset XMLtrim = #replace(XMLTrim,"#chr(13)#","","ALL")#>
this add the correct xml framing tag and title
<cfset Models_xml="<?xml version='1.0'?><Parts_1010>"&xmlTrim&"</Parts_1010>" >
<cffile action="" file="output cleaned file to / g_parts_1010.xml" output="#Models_xml#">
Hopes this helps
Greg Maxwell

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of peter.dehaan
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 4:13 PM
Subject: [cf-xml] CFMX & SQL Server & XML, i'm stuck

Hello all,

I am hoping somebody has some insight into this, or if not, some sort of
funny flame directed towards me along with a starting point on finding an
answer (other than google, i've looked)...

I am starting to get more and more into XML and SQL Server and coming up to
a few roadblocks. I have managed to figure out how to insert a whole load of
records into my SQL database by sending an XML packet via a stored
procedure, and have managed to figure out the bare basics of returning a
recordset from SQL Server as an XML packet (I have no clue, but I just
figured it'd be easier/faster to do the conversion in SQL Server rather than
in my CF code -- but I just made that part up).

So in my db table I have a table of countries, along with their 2 and 3
character country codes, and which continent they are on, can anybody tell
me how to retrieve the data from the database in a way that it is usable?
this is the stored proc I have so far:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[countriesAsXml] AS

select 1 as TAG, null as parent, null as [countries!1!countryname], null as
[country!2!countryname], null as [country!2!countrycode2], null as
[country!2!countrycode3], null as [country!2!continent]
select 2 as TAG, 1 as parent, null, countryname, countrycode2, countrycode3,
from countries
FOR XML Explicit


probably not the best code in the world, but hey, it works... BUT, it
returns a recordset with a column named

to make matters worse (for any of those still reading), it seems to return
about 11.5 records, each with 2033 characters... would there be any way to:
a) rename the column to something usable
b) return the XML in one giant blob instead of having me use <cfloop> over
each record and join the strings back together?

thank you,

[the often confused, and somewhat slow] peter

ps: for anybody that really cares, or is just curious, the output from the
above query is:

      <country countryname="Afghanistan" countrycode2="AF"
countrycode3="AFG" continent="Asia"/>
      <country countryname="Albania" countrycode2="AL" countrycode3="ALB"
      <country countryname="Algeria" countrycode2="DZ" countrycode3="DZA"
      <country countryname="American Samoa" countrycode2="AS"
countrycode3="ASM" continent="Pacific Ocean"/>
      <country countryname="Andorra" countrycode2="AD" countrycode3="AND"

      and returns a little over 20,000+ characters...

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