Title: Message
A previous discussion pointed out a great series of posts relating do anemic domain models:
as well as Martin Fowlers original anti pattern:
The problem I'm still trying to grapple with is what heuristics drive what behavior goes in the bean and what goes into the Service layer?
Most common example of bean logic is validation (so set#Property# can validate the property). I can see how that works great with one object or even a handful, but what if you're updating price on 40 records - or importing 2,000 from a flat file? If you create a bean for each and use an iterator, I'm guessing performance will be an issue. If you use the service layer to loop through a dumb dataset then you have to add the validation logic to the service layer. If you have the validation logic in the service layer, how can you put it into the bean without repeating yourself?
If you want to design a system that is capable of handling CRUD (with supporting business rules) of single objects and lists of n-objects, what kind of domain logic can you afford to put in the bean given that your solution must be capable of creating, reading, updating and deleting n-records (where n can be large enough to make iterating through smart beans a perfomance issue - say 100 or even 1,000 or 10,000 in the case of imports)?
Does anyone have an example of any intelligence that you can truly afford to put within the bean?
Bear in mind I'm still digging out of the whole procedural mindset, so I'm sure I am missing something obvious. Just not sure what :-<
Best Wishes,
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