Title: Message
Hi Ryan,
The cf.objective talk was a little high level. I'll be putting materials around the key concepts into a blog shortly, but I'm going to start on Tuesday with content that developers of all levels can take away and use quickly - whether for procedural or OO code.
The cf.objective talk also included important concepts like Software Product Lines, Domain Specific Languages and some thoughts on how application generation affects OO principles (as per Hal and his Duck Typing, there are common sense but not immediately obvious implications for design pattern usage when your code is just another generated artifact). This time round I'm going to back fill that after the fact so people can start by saving time generating forms, displays, validations, transformations, simple business rules, facades, business service layers, DAO's, gateways and database tables/stored procedures (for that matter the concepts could also be used to generate procedurally structured code - generation is approach-neutral). I'll then add the bigger industry trends and ideas once people have got some quick wins. I'm hoping that anyone who attends the talk Tuesday could generate at least some part of their production app by Wednesday afternoon!
And Aaron, I'll make sure the word gets out in some appropriate way so if anyone wants to check this out they'll be able to find the materials when I start my Blog. Wouldn't surprise me if Brian (http://www.remotesynthesis.com/blog/) mentioned the URL when there's something worth viewing! He's also posted a bunch of nice session reviews from cf.objective which are worth checking out. 
Best Wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ryan Guill
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 10:03 PM
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: Re: [CFCDev] OT: OOP and Application Generators Next Week at NYCFUG!

Is this the same talk you gave at cf.objective Peter?  If so, I wouldn't mind seeing it as I missed it there.  Let me know if it does get recorded.

On 3/17/06, Peter Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Nando,
If there was a worldwide fan, we'd do our best to make a recording!!! Seriously, I doubt my talk will be memorialized unless it's something Judith does for every single speaker. However, I'll go one better and next week I'll start to blog and (if appropriate) podcast some tight segments so only the poor folks in New York have to hear me ramble on for the best part of an hour to get the content!
Best Wishes,

Ryan Guill
A Deep Blue
(270) 217.2399
got google talk?  Chat me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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