Hi Jason,

Just skimmed this, and I have no real FB experience, but one possible
solution might to have a base validation.cfc in a shared directory and to
have project specific validation.cfc's that extend the base validation.cfc
so you only have to put any project specific code into the individual
validation.cfc's. There are limitations with this approach including the
fact that if your validations inherit from this they can't inherit from
anything else and the fact that inheritence usually isn't a best "first
choice" for solving a problem, but it is one way to go . . . It is somewhat
similar to what Reactor does where is generates editable UserGateway that
extends the generated UserGateway to allow for round trip generation by
having custom code and generated code in different files and can be a neat
solution in certain situations.

Best Wishes,

-----Original Message-----
Of Jason Daiger
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:32 AM
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: [CFCDev] Encapsulating what changes

I have an form input intensive application that I would like to 
encapsulate the validation rules into a CFC.  This application is used 
and 'tweaked' for 40+ different clients each year using XML 
configuration files to store things such as field labels, field required 
lists & security rights . If the client has a business rule the 
configuration file can't handle, then the validation code for the form 
must be changed.  It's really a 90/10 rule where only 10 percent of the 
clients require such a change but we must design the system to support 
that 10%. Therefore I'm looking for a way to easily alter a validation 
CFC.  Seems easy enough but I use strict typing, e.g. 
com.attendeeinteractive.aievolution.v100.Person, and want to continue 
this practice.  I've thought about a  Factory object that would accept 
an optional project code and then return the proper CFC to the caller.  
However, this seems like my Factory object will eventually get bogged 
down with lots coding changes and ultimately result in a big switch 
statement.  That solution just does not seem like a good one to me.  Any 
other suggestions out there?

As an FYI, we are currently using Fusebox 5 and have put this form 
validation code in a CFM file w/in a circuit.  So changing the 
validation rules is easy. Copy the 'offending' circuit out to a custom 
directory, altering the FB 5 XML file to point to the new circuit, edit 
the CFM file and we're done.  Works great for now but down the road if I 
want to add a new front end, such as Flex, it's not going to work b/w 
it's a framework specific solution.  So I would like to put the 
validation rules into a CFC to give me the option later of adding a new 
front end without editing the server side business rules.  That's my 
goal and any help or suggestions on reaching that goal would be appreciated.

Jason Daiger
URL: www.jdaiger.com

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