Title: Message
One more question. Lets say a function call arbitrarily requires n-parameters, I'd like to do something like:
       Local.LoopReturns = evaluate("Request.#Local.Temp.Class#.#Local.Temp.Method#(Local.Temp.Parameters)");
where I concatenate the values of the n-parameters into a single variable. Seems cf doesn't like that as (quite reasonably) it things I'm just passing a single string rather than the n variable values required. I could define all function calls as taking a single struct, but then I lose the readability and introspection (not to mention type checking) benefits of cfargument(). Any ideas on generically calling functions with n-parameters within a loop so the same line of code can call any method of any class with any number of parameters?
Any ideas much appreciated!
Best Wishes,
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