Title: Message
Hi Matt,
You're right. Filtering is a great use case for a generic method.
I considered mentioning that case (I like how you don't let me get away with being TOO sloppy in my postings!). I also have a special get%EntityName%ListBySearch() method (e.g. getUserListBySearch) that allows a collection of arguments. It loops through the arguments, compares them to a list of valid field names, checks the types, validates any other preconditions for the filters and then passes it all into a generated SP with a set of optional parameters for each field which returns n-records per page of the result set.
OK, girlfriend calling - must turn back into a normal person :-> Have a great Friday night everyone!
Best Wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Williams
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 6:56 PM
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: Re: [CFCDev] Question About Invoking/Creating CFC Objects

Hey Peter, several of my cases have 4-5 search fields available to the user (Customer ID #, First name, last name, company name, city, ...). So I find the Uber Search function easier to use because in it I can test for values in each of these fields and include an "AND FirstName LIKE <cfqueryparam>..." statement in the WHERE clause.

I guess it depends on the need.

Matt Williams
"It's the question that drives us." ----------------------------------------------------------
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