@@ -41,9 +43,10 @@ Base::~Base() {}
 // CHECK: @_ZTSW3Mod4Base = constant
 // CHECK: @_ZTIW3Mod4Base = constant
-// CHECK-INLINE: @_ZTVW3Mod4Base = linkonce_odr {{.*}}unnamed_addr constant
-// CHECK-INLINE: @_ZTSW3Mod4Base = linkonce_odr {{.*}}constant
-// CHECK-INLINE: @_ZTIW3Mod4Base = linkonce_odr {{.*}}constant
+// With the new Itanium C++ ABI, the linkage of vtables in modules don't need 
to be linkonce ODR.
dwblaikie wrote:

Would they benefit from still being linkonce? What if the vtable is never used? 
Or do we leave that up to `--gc-sections` linker behavior? (I'm not clear on 
when we use linkage to let things be dropped, and when we use the linker 
function-sections/data-sections/gc-sections behavior to drop unused stuff)

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