I hope this is an easy question that I am just missing.

I want to call a different run from another run mode, but I don't know
the name of the subroutine to call, I just know the key from the
$self->run_modes hash (but not the value)

So I know how to get the key:
my $runmode = $query->param('page');

I know how to call another run mode if I know the name of the subroutine
ahead of time

return $self->my_other_sub();

but I don't know how to call another runmode if I only know the key from
the run_mode hash


>>>Cees Hek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/11 7:50 am >>> 
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:54:50 -0800, Peter Fogg
>The only reason that I didn't use CGI::Application::Plugin::Session in 
>the first place 
>is the fact that it is an "alpha" version as opposed to a "3+" version 
>for CGI::Session. However, on your recommendation I will take a very 
>close look at the plugin 
>version to solve my problem. 
I'll bump up the the version number on the next release.  I have had a 
few comments about people not wanting to use the module because of the 
low version number...  Also, I'll remove that warning in the docs, 
since the module has stabilized and I have not heard of anyone having 
any problems in the last year (the warning was really only a CYA thing 
anyway ;) ) 
So, what version should I go up to?  Version 0.10, 1.00, or should I 
follow in Uri Guttman's footsteps and go straight to version 9999.0 
[1] http://search.cpan.org/~uri/File-Slurp-9999.07/ 
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