* Mark Fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-10T09:06:30]
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 3:56 AM, Ricardo SIGNES
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > stores your whole session in the cookie.  It's  stored as a base64-encoded,
> > Rijndael-enciphered, JSON-encoded string.  This  seemed like a swell idea
> > for me,
> I hear a lot about brute-force attacks on encryption. Also, that what
> seemed like a terrific amount of brute force 5-10 years ago isn't
> today. Is that a concern (if someone steals cookies)?

I think the amount of brute force required would still be pretty darn brutal.
I wouldn't use this for anything like banking or credit cards, but I feel
pretty okay about it for things like a Rubric login.

Probably what I'll do in the (near) future is have an n-day log of secrets,
generated daily.  The cookie will then be like

  { generated: yyyymmdd, cookie: ciphertext }

You'll have to crack the secret within n days, which makes it even more

Anyway, like I said, and like others say, this isn't for everyone or


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