Unless there is something set in my Oracle startup, I would like to differ

        1* select 'yes' from DUAL where 'A' = 'a'
      cms sql> /

      no rows selected

      cms sql> c$'A'$'a'
        1* select 'yes' from DUAL where 'a' = 'a'
      cms sql> /


      1 row selected.

Brian T. Wightman

                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                 
                      e                        To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       
                                               cc:      [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
                      12/18/02 07:15           Subject: Re: [cgiapp] checking 
passwords using SQL             

> A little bit of an optimization and security check - if all you are
> doing
> is comparing if the username and password match, why not let SQL do it?
>       my $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM user WHERE USER_ID = ? and
>       my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
>       $sth->execute($user_ID, $pass_word);
>       my ($valid_login) = $sth->fetchrow_array ();    #This could also
> be
> changed....

Good call, but one caveat:

SQL is case-insensitive.
So the password and userid will be compare case-insensitively as well.
(I found out about this the hard way...)

You could fix this by declaring the columns or the comparison as binary
(at least in MySQL).


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