Robert wrote:
"Michael Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

Robert wrote:

I am currently building out a reporting system that uses C-A and H-T to
query some backend databases and then creating reports out of that data.
Currently I use three files to do this. I use my initial starter


which calls my script with all the runmodes and the tmpl files


all my templates. I am currently putting all my calls in the .pm file.


there a point where you would split out the .pm file in multiple ones?


does the size of the actual .pm script mean little or nothing in


or other considerations?

Yes and yes. Size is important for performance if you are running under normal CGI (and not mod_perl) since your module will need to be compiled upon each and every request. This means that if it is bloated even simple requests will need to load the whole thing. Under mod_perl this isn't an issue since modules are loaded once and then cached.

Another important issue to face is maintenance. If you split you run
modes into different modules based on their functionality (or on the
data they deal with) it will make the job of finding bugs, adding new
features, etc easier. For instance, all of you code that manages users
(adding new ones, changing passwords, preferences, etc) should be in one
module and code that manages a shopping cart should be in another
(assuming your app has a shopping cart and users).


I am running it under CGI. So far it is just data queries. A question I have then is how to I call the other modules? Do I just chain them?

Take a step back and look at you app. Split the functionality into functionality that logically go together. Each split piece can have it's own .pm module (based on C::A) and it's own .cgi instance script. For instance, and users.cgi. To make it even better, create a base class for your application (maybe based on C::A that would have all of you session handling, config file reading, etc. Then each application module could have it as it's base instead of C::A. This way all of you user stuff is in one place, all of your session/config stuff in another, etc.

Does that make sense?

Michael Peters
Plus Three

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