What I'm looking for is a method which i cause use 1 single runmode to
display any page in my system, [and let the pages more or less draw
them selves.] then other runmodes would only be used for doing
business logic, adding things to a database etc.. I thought of using
embedded perl with this.. but I'm not to sure if this is the right

I am doing things like that, and I tried to make the code I wrote for that useful to other people by putting it into

http://search.cpan.org/~thilo/CGI-Application-Plugin-TemplateRunner -0.03/TemplateRunner.pm

What this module gives you is a runmode show_tmpl that extracts the page name for the URL (path_info),
loads a template of the same name and an associated datafile, which gets the data for the template,
so that "it can more or less draw itself".

If you do not want to use path_info, you can still use the method prepare_tmpl() to load the template (including
the data file) from within your own runmode.

Please have a look,


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