Mark Stosberg wrote:
On 2004-12-02, Jason A. Crome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In working on the PHP port, I've had a number of people respond asking for more/better usage examples -- and I'm really beginning to think that this may be the key to gaining more 'street cred' among perl developers (though there's certainly plenty already). . . (snip)
In short, I think that CGI::Application is *so* flexible that the documentation really doesn't do it justice

If you have any examples or code you'd like to contribute to the documentation, I'm certain Mark would be happy to include them ;)

That's right. :) The core docs are long enough, though, so I think
splintering off into ::Tutorial or ::Examples is a good choice.

or ::Cookbook ?

We could take some of the examples from the wiki and spruce them up.

Only semi-related. Now that ::Callbacks has been release for now,
have opinions solidified as whether this functionality should available
in the core CGI::App? I think I'm leaning in that direction now.

I think so. It's pretty important for future plugin development. We could also incorporate that feature requested earlier for returning a filehandle...

Since that's a major feature addition, that release would be a good
reason to beat our advocacy drums some.

-- Michael Peters Developer Plus Three, LP

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